
Equality Policy Stament

The Scottish Handball Association endorses the principle of Sporting Equality and will strive to ensure that everyone who wishes to be involved in Handball, whether as participants, team members, volunteers, coaches, office-bearers in clubs or those within the Scottish Handball Association:

  • has a genuine and equal opportunity to participate to the full extent of their own ambitions and abilities, without regard to their age, sex, gender identity, disability, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy or maternity, religion, race, ethnic origin, nationality, colour, socioeconomic status or sexual orientation; and

  • can be assured of an environment in which their rights, dignity and individual worth are respected, and in particular that they are able to enjoy their sport without the threat of intimidation, victimisation, harassment or abuse.

Equality Working Group 

The SHA has established an Equality Working Group. This group has been established to advise and prompt the staff, committees and networks of the SHA on all relevant aspects of equality and inclusion, with particular emphasis on ensuring adherence to a rolling Equality Action Plan for the organisation.

The SHA have achieved ‘Preliminary’ level of the Equality Standard for Sport.  

To find out more about our Equality Working Group, please click here.

Make a Complaint 

Any person who believes that they have been treated in a way that they consider to be in breach of the SHA Equality policy by a member club, individual member of the Scottish Handball Association, should first complain to that person or club. If this does not resolve the matter, or in the case of allegations of discriminatory behaviour against Scottish Handball Association itself, the person should make a complaint by emailing office@scottishhandball.com or clicking the page block below. The full SHA complaints process is currently under review.

Equality Policy

Make a Complaint

Equality Working Group Role Description